Pedagogies of the Enfleshed: Critical Communication Pedagogy, Otherwise - 9781666925791
Gender Futurity, Intersectional Autoethnography: Embodied Theorizing from the Margins
Embracing the Criminal - Queer and Trans Relational Liberatory Pedagogies LeMaster and Mapes
Speculative fiction, criticality, and futurity: an introduction
On Queer of Color Criticism, Communication Studies, and Corporeality
Butch Queens Up in Pumps: Gender, Performance, and Ballroom Culture in Detroit
Gender/Racial Realness: Theorizing the Gender System in Ballroom Culture
Whose Body Is This? On the Cultural Possibilities of a Radical Black Sexual Praxis
The Queerness of Touch: Mutual Recognition and Deep Intimacy in Moonlight
Edited by Adrienne D. Davis and the BSE Collective | Black Sexual Economies
Crystal Labeija, Femme Queens, and the Future of Black Trans Studies | TSQ
Freer Than We Want To Be: Edited Conversation with Lady Dane Edidi
Hip Hop’s Gay Cousin: House-Structured Ballroom Culture | Victor Ultra Omni - Academia.edu
Schools Must Be Crucial Sites in the Struggle for Trans Liberation | Truthout